"Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" is a fighting game based on the popular anime and manga series Dragon Ball Z. Developed by Dimps and published by Atari, the game was released for the PlayStation 2 in 2004. It is the third installment in the Budokai series and features fast-paced, 3D fighting gameplay.
Key features of "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" for the PlayStation 2 include:
1. **Character Roster:** The game includes a diverse roster of Dragon Ball Z characters, each with their own unique fighting styles, special moves, and transformations.
2. **Saiyan Overdrive:** "Budokai 3" introduces the Saiyan Overdrive system, allowing Saiyan characters to transform mid-battle, unlocking new abilities and power-ups.
3. **Destructible Environments:** The game features destructible environments, allowing players to unleash powerful attacks that can alter the landscape during battles.
4. **Ultimate Attacks:** Characters can perform powerful Ultimate Attacks, including iconic moves from the Dragon Ball Z series, such as the Kamehameha and Spirit Bomb.
5. **Dragon Universe Mode:** The game includes the Dragon Universe mode, offering a single-player experience where players embark on a journey through the Dragon Ball Z story, making choices and engaging in battles.
6. **World Tournament:** Players can participate in the World Tournament mode, competing against AI opponents or friends in a martial arts tournament.
7. **Customization:** The game features a character customization system, allowing players to unlock and equip various items that affect their character's abilities and appearance.
8. **Tag Team Battles:** Players can engage in tag team battles, allowing them to switch between characters during a match.
9. **Dueling System:** The dueling system adds a strategic element to battles, allowing players to engage in rock-paper-scissors-style clashes to determine the outcome of certain situations.
10. **Voiceovers and Music:** The game features voiceovers from the original English and Japanese voice actors, as well as music from the Dragon Ball Z series.
"Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" received positive reviews for its improved gameplay mechanics, extensive character roster, and faithful representation of the Dragon Ball Z universe. It remains a beloved title among Dragon Ball Z and fighting game fans alike.
Key features of "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" for the PlayStation 2 include:
1. **Character Roster:** The game includes a diverse roster of Dragon Ball Z characters, each with their own unique fighting styles, special moves, and transformations.
2. **Saiyan Overdrive:** "Budokai 3" introduces the Saiyan Overdrive system, allowing Saiyan characters to transform mid-battle, unlocking new abilities and power-ups.
3. **Destructible Environments:** The game features destructible environments, allowing players to unleash powerful attacks that can alter the landscape during battles.
4. **Ultimate Attacks:** Characters can perform powerful Ultimate Attacks, including iconic moves from the Dragon Ball Z series, such as the Kamehameha and Spirit Bomb.
5. **Dragon Universe Mode:** The game includes the Dragon Universe mode, offering a single-player experience where players embark on a journey through the Dragon Ball Z story, making choices and engaging in battles.
6. **World Tournament:** Players can participate in the World Tournament mode, competing against AI opponents or friends in a martial arts tournament.
7. **Customization:** The game features a character customization system, allowing players to unlock and equip various items that affect their character's abilities and appearance.
8. **Tag Team Battles:** Players can engage in tag team battles, allowing them to switch between characters during a match.
9. **Dueling System:** The dueling system adds a strategic element to battles, allowing players to engage in rock-paper-scissors-style clashes to determine the outcome of certain situations.
10. **Voiceovers and Music:** The game features voiceovers from the original English and Japanese voice actors, as well as music from the Dragon Ball Z series.
"Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" received positive reviews for its improved gameplay mechanics, extensive character roster, and faithful representation of the Dragon Ball Z universe. It remains a beloved title among Dragon Ball Z and fighting game fans alike.
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