Flying Dragon, also known as Hiryū no Ken Special, is a fighting video game developed by Culture Brain for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was released in 1987 in Japan and later in 1990 in North America.
Flying Dragon features both single-player and two-player modes. In single-player mode, players choose one of two characters, Ryuhi or Hayato, and embark on a martial arts journey through a series of stages, battling various opponents. The game combines side-scrolling platforming segments with one-on-one fights against enemy characters.
The fighting mechanics in Flying Dragon are relatively simple compared to other fighting games of the time. Players can perform basic punches, kicks, and jumping attacks to defeat their opponents. Each character also has a unique special move that can be unleashed by inputting specific button combinations.
The game offers a variety of environments and settings for battles, including a city rooftop, a bamboo forest, and a desert. Additionally, there are bonus stages where players can earn extra points by destroying various objects within a time limit.
Flying Dragon also features a two-player versus mode, allowing players to compete against each other in head-to-head battles. Each player can select one of the available characters and engage in fast-paced fights.
While Flying Dragon received mixed reviews upon its release, it is often remembered for its unique blend of platforming and fighting elements on the NES. The game's simple yet enjoyable gameplay, combined with its two-player mode, provided a fun experience for players looking for martial arts action on the console.
Overall, Flying Dragon for NES offers a distinctive take on the fighting genre, incorporating platforming elements and providing multiplayer battles. While it may not have achieved the same level of popularity as other fighting games of its time, it remains an interesting title for NES enthusiasts and fans of martial arts-themed games.
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