Gran Turismo is a critically acclaimed racing video game series developed by Polyphony Digital and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (later known as Sony Interactive Entertainment). The series is exclusive to PlayStation consoles and is known for its realistic driving simulation and extensive collection of licensed vehicles and tracks.
Gran Turismo (1997): The first game in the series, simply titled "Gran Turismo," was released for the original Sony PlayStation in 1997. It was developed by Kazunori Yamauchi and his team at Polyphony Digital. The game was a breakthrough in the racing genre, offering a level of realism and attention to detail that was previously unseen in racing games. Gran Turismo featured a wide variety of cars, from everyday models to high-performance sports cars, and included real-world tracks to race on.
Overall, the Gran Turismo series has been praised for its authenticity, attention to detail, and dedication to providing a realistic driving experience for players. It remains one of the most well-respected and influential racing game franchises in the industry.
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