"The Golden Compass" is a video game adaptation of the film based on the novel of the same name by Philip Pullman. It was released for various platforms, including the Wii. The game follows the story of Lyra Belacqua as she embarks on an epic journey to rescue her kidnapped friend and uncover a sinister plot. Players control Lyra and her companion, Pantalaimon, as they explore various locations, solve puzzles, and interact with characters from the book/movie.
In the Wii version of "The Golden Compass," players use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to control Lyra's movements, interact with objects, and engage in combat against enemies such as Gobblers and Tartars. The game utilizes motion controls for certain actions, adding an immersive element to the gameplay experience. Overall, "The Golden Compass" for the Wii offers an adventure-filled experience for fans of the novel and movie, with unique gameplay mechanics tailored to the Wii's capabilities.