Pokémon Conquest" is a tactical role-playing game developed by Tecmo Koei and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS handheld console. It was released in Japan in March 2012 and in North America and Europe in June 2012. The game is a crossover between the Pokémon franchise and Tecmo Koei's "Nobunaga's Ambition" series, blending Pokémon gameplay with strategic elements.
In "Pokémon Conquest," players take on the role of a Warlord in the fictional region of Ransei. The goal is to unite the different kingdoms of Ransei under a single banner. Instead of capturing Pokémon using traditional battles, players recruit them by forming bonds with the various Warlords and their corresponding Pokémon. Each Warlord has a primary Pokémon partner, and they engage in turn-based battles using a grid-based battlefield. The battles are designed to be strategic and involve type advantages, movement tactics, and special abilities.
The game features a diverse cast of Warlords and their unique stories, each representing different Pokémon types. The player's Warlord can recruit and build relationships with other Warlords, which in turn helps to expand the player's kingdom and strengthen their forces.
"Pokémon Conquest" offers a unique gameplay experience compared to the mainline Pokémon games. It combines the monster-catching elements of Pokémon with strategic gameplay reminiscent of the "Nobunaga's Ambition" series. This crossover concept provided a fresh and interesting twist on both franchises and appealed to fans of both tactical RPGs and Pokémon games.
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