Pokémon XY is the seventeenth season of the Pokémon anime series. It follows Ash Ketchum and his friends, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie, as they travel through the Kalos region and participate in gym battles and the Kalos League.
The main storyline of Pokémon XY revolves around the mysterious, legendary Pokémon Zygarde and the various factions who seek to control it. Ash and his friends also encounter the villainous Team Flare, who are attempting to destroy the world and create a new one in their own image.
The series introduces several new Pokémon, including the Kalos starter Pokémon Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie, as well as the Mega Evolution mechanic, which allows certain Pokémon to temporarily evolve into more powerful forms during battle.
In addition to the main storyline, Pokémon XY also includes various subplots, such as Ash's quest to become a Pokémon Master, Serena's journey to become a Pokémon Performer, and Clemont's attempts to prove his worth as a gym leader.
Overall, Pokémon XY is a popular and well-received season of the Pokémon anime, offering an engaging storyline, new Pokémon, and exciting battles for fans of the series.
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